Individual Family Constellations are therapeutic sessions that help us examine the non-conscious dynamics and entanglements with our family system. The consultant frees up by seeing, from his/her adult self, the traumatic past events, unlocking his/her resources. These events can be: excluded people in the family, accidents, premature or tragic deaths, symptoms and diseases, abuse, tragic lives, addictions, failures, migrations, etc. As well as historical events such as wars, revolutions, natural and social catastrophes, etc.
From concrete difficulties, blockages and pattern repetitions, we see that we are part of the destiny of people with whom we are related - whether we know them or not - because deep down, we are linked by our DNA and Love with all the members of our clan, through identification and invisible loyalties.
What is it
Through an individual Family Constellation, we look at the priority issue you want to work on. The constellation unfolds visually by choosing Playmobil dolls and other objects and placing them on a table. This gives abundant insights and visual information
By recreating and positioning exactly what we have seen, we take the constellation to the floor to work with papers for deeper energy work.
There, with healing phrases, the healing and systemic movements take place.
Integration on therapy bed: Sacro-cranial therapy and integration techniques to close the session well.
How does it work
How can it benefit you
A family constellation session is a powerful method to help you liberate these unconscious loyalties and reestablish the natural order of our family system, so you can resume your life with strength and live your destiny, recognizing and honouring your ancestors, thus helping your entire system to heal and evolve.
The morphogenetic field of the family system contributes to giving information towards the systemic movements. And with kinesiology, information is also accessed.
Session Details
This 2 part session lasts a minimum of 2.5 hours. Often, something bigger is deployed, and if the consultant (and the system) are prepared and it's sustainable, they can take longer.
Most consultants feel the benefits immediately and observe positive changes in their lives within days or weeks.
“We are all the same and different, and that is where the beauty lies. We can practice to hear and hit better the unique musical note that each of us brings to the world's orchestra.
May we all see that we are truly part of the cosmos, honour our unique journey, and honour our destiny and that of others (as we say in Family Constellations).”
— Lourdes Belart, founder Bellaterra Centre